A Mother's Wishes of Her Children - Satisfaction

A poem written by Suzuki Akiko for her four children before her death. She was given the opportunity to reflect upon her life and death after having cancer and was very grateful. She came to believe that to continue to live in the preciousness of each day's life is the most meaningful way to live. (Simply guided by Namu Amida Butsu)

The poem, titled "Satisfaction", expresses her wishes for her children, wishes that are illuminated by her own self-reflection.

Do not try to be a step ahead of everyone

In this vain and impermanent world

My children

Please do not spend your lives

No matter how far you go

There will be no satisfaction

Do not compete

Do not compare

Do not be envious

Do not lament

Do not belittle yourself

Please let your own flowers bloom

You are yourself and that is enough

Just like the rose in the garden

Just like the pine tree in the garden

Please let the flowers of your human accomplishment bloom

True satisfaction arises there.


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