First Footage of a Long-Eared Jerboa
Posted by sky | Tags: Animals, Photos, desert, evolution, extinction, nature, video
From BBC News.The long-eared jerboa, a tiny nocturnal mammal that is dwarfed by its enormous ears, can be found in deserts in Mongolia and China. Zoological Society of London (ZSL) scientist Jonathan Baillie said the footage was helping researchers to learn more about the mysterious animal. The species is classified as endangered on the IUCN Red list. "These creatures hop just like a kangaroo; it is amazing to watch. Little hairs on their feet, almost like snow shoes, allow them to jump along the sand," he explained. "And in terms of mammals, they have one of the biggest ear-to-body ratios out there." The footage revealed that the creatures spent daylight hours in underground tunnels beneath the sand, and that their diet was mostly made up of insects. We travelled to the Gobi to find out about the animal's status and learn more about it so we can develop a thorough long-term action plan." The expedition formed part of ZSL's Edge programme, which focuses its efforts on conservation plans for animals that are both endangered and evolutionarily distinctive. The long-eared jerboa is one of 10 species that the programme is looking at this year. "Everyone thinks the desert is a totally desolate area, void of biodiversity, and often when conservation planning is done, deserts are overlooked. "But there are some remarkable species in the desert, so we really need to start paying attention to this environment."Previous Post Next Post