Migrated to AppEngine Python 2.7

This site is now running on AppEngine Python 2.7 runtime. It is based on bloggart.

For reference, see AppEngine Migrating to Python 2.7.

After the migration, I regenerate the StaticContent via the remote-api shell.

python ~/py/gae/remote_api_shell.py -s timeless--sky.appspot.com

The remote-api shell keeps a history file .remote_api_shell_history in your home dir, so you can review what you have done.

The below code documents how the StaticContent is generated for each BlogPost and tag and archive:

 1     import sys
2 sys.path.insert(0, 'lib')
3 import models
4 q = models.BlogPost.all()
5 q = q.order('-published')
6 posts = q.fetch(1000)
7 alltags = set()
8 from generators import PostContentGenerator
9 for post in posts:
10 if not post.path: continue
11 PostContentGenerator.generate_post(post)
12 alltags.update(post.normalized_tags)
14 from generators import BTagsContentGenerator
15 tags = list(alltags)
16 tags.sort()
17 for tag in tags:
18 BTagsContentGenerator.generate_resource(None, tag)
20 from generators import BArchivePageContentGenerator
21 q = models.BlogDate.all()
22 dates = q.fetch(None)
23 for d in dates:
24 BArchivePageContentGenerator.generate_resource(None, d.key().name())
25 for yr in (2012,2013):
26 BArchivePageContentGenerator.generate_resource(None, "%d/" % yr)
28 import post_deploy
29 post_deploy.post_deploy_tasks.pop() # ignore regenerate_all
30 post_deploy.post_deploy_tasks.pop()(None)
32 exit()

The remote-api is useful, since it is not possible to run a very long operation on the server unless you use the deferred tasks.

The Warning is you will use up your quota easily.

For my ref: the Google App admin: AppEngine link to replace the old one with the new service.


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