Upgrade Ubuntu Natty to Precise

When I upgrade from Natty to Oneiric using update-manager, it fails to upgrade successfully. I cannot boot back into Ubuntu. Luckily, I have an Ubuntu Precise live-USB, and it gives the option to upgrade from Oneiric to Precise.

The live-USB upgrade went smoothly. The only problem I notice is that some icons cannot be displayed in the launcher, and the nautilus file manager cannot display the standard icons. Looks like the Gnome icons are missing.

In /etc/apt/sources.list, the default repository is using http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ , but the site cannot be connected to. I change it to use http://mirror.nus.edu.sg/ubuntu/ .

Installing gnome-tweak-tool fixes the icons display issue.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool


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